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Output Peripherals

8836-II Laser Plotter

Xerox Engineering Systems -- Versatec Products

8836-II Laser Plotter is an evolutionary advancement in Versatec'srevolutionary wide-format laser writing technology. This state-of-the-art laser plotter is capable of outputting to a wide variety of mediatypes, including polyester-based matte film. The 8836-II produces high-quality, hardcopy output at a constant rate of one inch per second, withan incredibly crisp resolution of 400 points per inch, regardless ofdrawing density. It can produce 110 E/AO-size plots per 500-foot roll ofplotting material, with little wasted material between plots.The 8836-II contains both automatic fusing temperature control and oilingsystems. When the type of media used is selected, 8836-II automaticallyadjusts the image fusing temperature and the oil dispense rate for thatmaterial.A unique roller and taper assembly winds and tapes the finished plot intoa two-inch diameter roll and then delivers the finished product to acatch bin located at the front of the unit. The desired plot can bequickly located, reducing wasted time.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Interface 117A or 386i/110A, VME-based workstation system
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Xerox Engineering Systems -- Versatec Products
5853 Ruserrari Ave
San Jose, CA 95138
Phone: (408) 229-3071
Fax: (408) 727-2399